The Witch from Mercury is a Japanese mecha anime series and the fifteenth mainline entry in Sunrise's long-running Gundam franchise. The series is directed by both Hiroshi Kobayashi and Ryō Andō and written by Ichirō Ōkouchi, and aired from October 2022 to July 2023.
Set in a world where numerous companies have advanced into space and constitute a huge economic zone, the story concerns the Mobile Suits known as "GUND-ARMS" ("Gundams" for short), weapons that were developed out of diverted health technology "GUND" which compensates for physical disabilities caused by living in space.
In Ad Stella 122 Suletta Mercury transfers from Mercury to the Asticassia School of Technology, an academic institute run by the Benerit Group. Upon arrival, she encounters a girl escaping the institute, Miorine Rembran, who wants to escape from the control of Rembran her father. Miorine is engaged to be married to the highest scoring duellist in a mobile suit - currently Guel Jeturk.
As their paths cross in the academy with different ambitions and goals, Suletta will have to prove her worth as a pilot as she steps into the academy alongside the Gundam Aerial.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury premiered on all JNN stations in Japan, including MBS and TBS from October 2, 2022, to July 2, 2023, on the network's recently revived Nichigo programming block, with the Prologue episode premiering on July 14, 2022, four months before the series airing. The second season began airing on April 9, 2023.
The show (as of this post) is currently streaming on Chrunchyroll.
According to an official Bandai press release, the High Grade Gundam Aerial recorded the highest initial sales "among the HG TV series lead role Gundam versions", going on to become the best selling Gunpla kit of 2022, while the High Grade Gundam Calibarn became the best selling kit of 2023.
The series is also part of the long-running Gunpla line of plastic model kits by Bandai. Kits based on almost all the Mobile Suits in the series were released in 1/144 scale. High Grade and SDEX models of the Gundam Aerial were released in 2022, and a 1/100 scale Full Mechanics kit was released.
Our stock of "wfm" kits below.